Wednesday, December 25, 2013

23 tahun sudah.....:P

genap sudah umur 23 tahun...
sebab masih lg hidup di mka bumi Allah nie..
terlalu byk da menggembara..
selama 3 tahun kat Town Planning UiTM SHAH ALAM...
yang paling jauh TRIPS g adalah SHANGHAI CHINA...
sampai sudah ke negara china...
tp betul la kata orang tua2...
"hujan emas di negara orang n hujan batu di negara sendiri.."
tempat sendiri yg lebih di kenang bler ada kat negara orang neh...
makanan,budaya, semua x sama...
InsyaAllah azam utk umur kali neh ingin success dalam apa yg ak ceburi  n try jd lebih matang dalam menjalani liku-liku kehidupan..
yg paling penting persahabatan merupakan perkara yang penting dalam erti kawan yg ak belajar..
soal jodoh plak erm....
susah nk ckp ada jodoh ada la...
seandai ditakdirkan dia jodoh yg telah tertulis utk ak  n yg terbaik ak terima...
tp seandainya bukan jauhkanlah hati neh dr nyer...

Sunday, November 17, 2013



kesibukan melanda...
2 minggu blk baru nak update...
2 week yg lepas g shanghai untuk subjek comperative planning...
dr 30 okt-03 nov.2013...
5 hari....
sgt menyeronokkan...
dpt tgok cmaner negara org...
nway nie sbahagian dr activity kt sana..

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

selamat hari raya aidil adha....

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil adha..
erm..hari nie belajar macam mana nak lapah daging n perut lembu..
selama neh pandai order jer time makan bihun sup..
amik kau...take time gler masa nak basuh perut lembu tuh..

Monday, October 7, 2013


Isnin 30.09.2013 until ahad (06.10.13)
site visit studio PORT DICKSON...
Alhandulillah so far setakat nie berjalan dengan baik...
7 hari 06 malam berkampung...hehehe..

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Assalamualaikum buat semua....
Firstly nak bg tau yang yes n Alhamdulillah sbb da melangkah ke semester 6...
rasa macam x percaya..
because of why..?? sbb terlalu byk rintangan pahit manis liku-liku kehidupan yang dilalui
sepanjang bergelar mahasiswi serta sepanjang masuk blaja kat UiTM neh...
apa pun pengalaman yang mematangkan kita...
InsyaAllah try buat yang terbaik..
3 more semester to go... sabar n enjoy yourself sepanjang bergelar student k..
sem neh site visit studio:PORT DICKSON
site comparative planning:KAT SHANGHAI CHINA weh...!!!
tp sumpah la ckp duit memang nazak abis...
mana x nyer duit segala bagai nak kena bayar.../
bermodalkan duit PTPTN rm2900 after di potong yuran..
pusing kepala pikir duit..

dpt jugak kumpul skali....

Thursday, August 8, 2013

syawal menjelma lagi...

salam,firstly nak ucapkan selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir & batin bagi seluruh umat islam di Malaysia...
by the way raya selalunya di sambut dengan penuh gembira seluruh keluarga akan berkumpul memeriahkan hari raya..bulan ramadhan telah meninggalkan kita..
erm,kita tidak tau samada kita pada tahun hadapan dapat lagi tak beraya dan menyambut bulan ramadhan..
tapi bagi aku selama 4 tahun neh sama jer..x der yang berubah pun.."nothing exchange"...

sedih jugak sebab bler time tgok FB upload nyer gambar raya...but to me apa yang ada..???
kalo da yang merasai apa yang aku rasa hurm..baru faham situation yang berlaku...
already 4x raya la...penting sangat ker..??hurm..erti sebuah perayaan...??
hurm rasa nyer next year da kena cari neh...utk perubahan sendiri...
before neh x penah aku nak fikir macam neh tp bler keadaan sekarang yang mendesak ak terpaksa...
seolah-olah hidup dalam dunia sendiri...?
bosan ok..!!!
benci bertambah2..
p/s:cuba cari kebahagiaan sendiri..
mood:give up dengan per yang berlaku...!!!

0     0

Friday, July 19, 2013

Ramadan datang lagi .....

salam buat semua..
firstly nak ucapkan selamat menyambut bulan Ramadan...
erm,bulan neh puasa rasa sunyi sikit..
sebabnya syikin kat Uitm Lendu..
aku plak kat shah alam..
abis exam da seminggu puasa baru la balik umah....
Alhamdulillah group urban dapat masuk final...
sape sangka drp 100 video 14 jer yg terpilih..
x harap banyak cuma saguhati pun jadi lah...
tp suma tuh keja Allah S.W.T. so kalo ada rezeki adalah...
asalkan dapat masuk final pun da cukup baik....

link utk ke video neh : 

kalo rajin tlg la vote k selagi ada masa k..
harap2 di mudahkan segala urusan...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

last day part 5

akhirnya hari dan minggu yang dinantikan tiba jua..
tp ingat kan da lepas azab tp x rupanya...
sebab teknikal report and cadangan nyer report tidak berapa better..
tp siapakah yang patut di persalahkan..??
hurm mls nak mention kat sini..
kalo la pendapat diterima dan boleh di bincang dalam satu class benda2 cmnie x akan berlaku..
so..bley dikatakan yang cuti study week yang 2 minggu tuh kira burn la yer..
sebab nak kejar studio lg , test lg, urban yang x abis present lg...
n modelling report and slide point dia lg...|
tp agak2 cmaner la selepas keputusan exam kuar nanti..??
p/s:semakin banyak yang kita belajar semakin banyak yg kita tau bahawa diri kita neh x cukup lengkap lg ilmu di dada..|
itu jerlah yang dapat di simpulkan...

by me...!!

Monday, May 27, 2013


24 .5 until 26.5.2013
bermula la pjalanan ke melaka...
konon semangat beli tiket nk balik taiping ...
tket plak clash ngan date urban..
BURN camtu la tiket..
trip melaka kali neh mmg best berbanding kedah...
tp panas nyer Ya Rabbi...

Thursday, May 23, 2013


first yang nak cakap adalah stress..
sebab strees ..???
1.Studio....never x akan pernah abis...
2.Modelling slide present..
3.Economic Landuse...byk calculation....
"ko tau kan yang bab mengira neh lambat skit pick up.."
4.Urban Design...
hahhh....yang nie lagi la...
brain storming..
idea thinking creative please.....
tahap dewa nak pikir...
benda yang bleh atrract org or something yang lain dari yang lain...
hurmm :(
mencabar la semester neh...
p/s: Finally submit jugak report Teknikal RSN Kedah...
tp yang Dup Dap nyer naik gawai neh...
azab la...suma nak antar..
paling penting studio present....
harap2 la Encik Hanafi tuh terima apa yang dah di buat..
komen boleh tapi jgn la teruk sgt...
Harap dapat terus melangkah to the next semester..
Pengajian berbaki 1 1/2 tahun lg..
sabar+ tabah..:Kejayaan....
ramai kawan yang 3 tahun da abis practical n nak abis study dah...!!!
akhir sekali please wish me luck k..
really need it...:)

tgok...dapat bygkan x ..???
yang kat bawah nie plak map pelan KSAS..
SEM NEH pegang sektor Alam Sekitar...
bersama kawan saya juga kamila...
tq so much...
seronok bekerja bersama...!!!
hope sem depan dapat bekerja in one group team lg...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

patah kaki..

hari nie berjalan punya la tak ingat dunia...
dari BTS ke jalan Hang Tuah then tukar tren ke Imbi plak..
tapi yang x bley tahan nyer bler sampai kat Kenanga Wholesale City..
mula la start rambang mata..
ikut tuh suma tempat nak masuk..hehe..
tp tempat nie baru lg...
harga dia bley la tahan..

Thursday, April 18, 2013

perginya seorang sahabat...

tanggal tarikh 17 april 2013 (rabu)
perginya seorang sahabat..
walaupun baru mengenalinya semester ini tetapi dapat melihat kebaikan yang ada..
seorang pendiam yaang x byk ckp..
mengidap penyakit kuman dalam jantung..
x ku sangka pergi jua selepas 2 minggu berjuang untuk hidup..
moga di tempatkan dalam kalangan yang beriman...

Monday, April 15, 2013

trip part 5 studio

nie adalah trip studio untuk sem 5 neh...Alor star...
tp pengalaman x bleh lupa bus rosak...x der aircond 3 jam...
From sg.Perak until Sabak Bernam..
da 2 tahun blaja x jd masalah tetiba tukar bus sampai 4 buah..
En.hanafi studio supervisor nyer...
lg best Terengganu...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

sesi outing Bersama

hehe..fainally selepas busy ngan final exam dapat jugak spend time kuar same...
sorg kat shah alam n sorg lg kat melaka..
memang susah nk jumpa..
kalo da jumpa sesi pong pang x benti2..

Monday, January 21, 2013

realiti kehidupanku...

What is a retinal detachment?

A retinal detachment is a separation of the retina from its attachments to the underlying tissue within the eye. Most retinal detachments are a result of a retinal break, hole, or tear. These retinal breaks may occur when the vitreous gel pulls loose or separates from its attachment to the retina, usually in the peripheral parts of the retina. The vitreous is a clear gel that fills two-thirds of the inside of the eye and occupies the space in front of the retina. As the vitreous gel pulls loose, it will sometimes exert traction on the retina, and if the retina is weak, the retina will tear. Most retinal breaks are not a result of injury. Retinal tears are sometimes accompanied by bleeding if a retinal blood vessel is included in the tear. Many people develop separation of the vitreous from the retina as they get older. However, only a small percentage of these vitreous separations result in retinal tears.
Once the retina has torn, liquid from the vitreous gel can then pass through the tear and accumulate behind the retina. The buildup of fluid behind the retina is what separates (detaches) the retina from the back of the eye. As more of the liquid vitreous collects behind the retina, the extent of the retinal detachment can progress and involve the entire retina, leading to a total retinal detachment. A retinal detachment almost always affects only one eye at a time. The second eye, however, must be checked thoroughly for any signs of predisposing factors that may lead to detachment in the future.

Why is it mandatory to treat a retinal detachment?

A tear or hole of the retina that leads to a peripheral retinal detachment causes the loss of side (peripheral) vision. Almost all of those affected will progress to a full retinal detachment and loss of all vision if the problem is not repaired. The dark shadow or curtain obscuring a portion of the vision, either from the side, above, or below, almost invariably will advance to the loss of all useful vision. Spontaneous reattachment of the retina is rare.
Early diagnosis and repair are urgent since visual improvement is much greater when the retina is repaired before the macula or central area is detached. The surgical repair of a retinal detachment is usually successful in reattaching the retina, although more than one procedure may be necessary. Once the retina is reattached, vision usually improves and then stabilizes. Successful reattachment does not always result in normal vision. The ability to read after successful surgery will depend on whether or not the macula (central part of the retina) was detached and the extent of time that it was detached.

What is the treatment for retinal detachment?

Retinal holes or tears can be treated with laser therapy or cryotherapy (freezing) to prevent their progression to a full-scale detachment. Many factors determine which holes or tears need to be treated. These factors include the type and location of the defects, whether pulling on the retina (traction) or bleeding is involved, and the presence of any of the other risk factors discussed above. Three types of eye surgery are done for actual retinal detachment: scleral buckling, pneumatic retinopexy, and vitrectomy.
Scleral buckling
For many years, scleral buckling has been the standard treatment for detached retinas. The surgery is done in a hospital operating room with general or local anesthesia. Some patients stay in the hospital overnight (inpatient), while others go home the same day (outpatient). The surgeon identifies the holes or tears either through the operating microscope or a focusing headlight (indirect ophthalmoscope). The hole or tear is then sealed, either with diathermy (an electric current which heats tissue), a cryoprobe (freezing), or a laser. This results in scar tissue later forming around the retinal tear to keep it permanently sealed, so that fluid no longer can pass through and behind the retina. A scleral buckle, which is made of silicone, plastic, or sponge, is then sewn to the outer wall of the eye (thesclera). The buckle is like a tight cinch or belt around the eye. This application compresses the eye so that the hole or tear in the retina is pushed against the outer scleral wall of the eye, which has been indented by the buckle. The buckle may be left in place permanently. It usually is not visible because the buckle is located half way around the back of the eye (posteriorly) and is covered by the conjunctiva (the clear outer covering of the eye), which is carefully sewn (sutured) over it. Compressing the eye with the buckle also reduces any possible later pulling (traction) by the vitreous on the retina.
just untuk panduan kehidupan....
hidup ibarat roda....
sekejap kita dii atas dan sekejap kita di bawah...
takdir Tuhan tiada siapa dapat melawan....

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

umpama layang-layang terputus tali...

Hanya Tuhan yang tahu..
hati bertambah HANCUR lumat,berkecai..
persahabatan yang di bina semakin pudar..
aku sendiri pun x tau apa reason yang jd macam tuh..
Tuhan, ku mohon kuatkan hati dan perasaan ku supaya bertambah kuat untuk menghadapi segala cabaran dan dugaan yang mendatang...
sebak saat coretan ini di tulis...
ke mana arah tuju semua nie..??
ak x ingin ianya berakhir begitu sahaja...
aku masih sayang tapi seandainya diri di permainkan...

kuatkan, cekalkan segalanya..

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


serius hati memang sangat sentap....
emosi agak x dpt nk control..
marah,kecewa,terluka semua ada..
memang x dapat nk di ungkapkan dengan kata2 mahupun perbuatan..
x pernah lg la rasa sesakit hati cmnie..
F.R.E.I.N.D / C.I.N.T.A..!!
agak2 per makna nyer yer..??

p/s: anyone can anwer my question..??

shun:bley x kalo ko let it go jer..??
"tp masalah nyer x bley..!!"
pasal hati perasaan x bley paksa..
bler hati x suka abis la..
cuba utk terima tp serius hati remuk,hancur, lumat...
di manakah kasih seperti dulu.??
kata kau sayang pada ku..
kehadiranku hanyalah sementara...
ku undur diri..